Become a Cardee shareholder.

Round 2024

Participate in our investment round and be part of the success of the new concept in Smart Networking!

Cardee is much more than just a digital business card application.

Discover the potential of our application, where the power of Artificial Intelligence makes true personal connection possible. Connect more effectively with those you really care about and make the most of #SmartNetworking.


smartphone de mano grave 1

More than 6 billion smartphone users worldwide.

QR Codes


Growth of post-pandemic interactions.


QR code users in the United States of America.

Digital trend

Professionals and SME owners

that do not yet use digital card applications.


In North America alone, 10 billion cards are printed each year … some 100 million purchase orders from people who use and pay for them.

1.5 B

1.5 B

The digital business card market in 2020.

The total virtual card market was valued at $1,500.6 million for 2019 and is forecast to reach $3,065.8 million by 2027.

0.8 Billion
Mercado disponible en Europa, Estados Unidos y LATAM que generó 0.8 billones en ganancias para el 2020.
7.6 Billion
Para el 2022 ya había más de 6 mil millones de usuarios de smartphones en todo el mundo. La proyección para 2027 es de 7.6 Billones.
27 Million per day
Sólo en los Estados Unidos, se imprimen a diario 27 millones de tarjetas de presentación.
+100 Million
Promedio de órdenes de compra por tarjetas de presentación impresas en los Estados Unidos al año.
3 Billion
Se prevé que el mercado de tarjetas de presentación digitales alcance los 3.065 millones de dólares para 2027.
0.8 B
Mercado disponible en Europa, Estados Unidos y LATAM.
7.6 B
La proyección de Smartphones activos para 2027 es de 7.6 Billones.
27 M per day
Sólo en USA, se imprimen a diario 27 M de tarjetas de presentación.
+100 M
Promedio de órdenes de compra por tarjetas de presentación impresas en USA.
3 B
Previsión del mercado de tarjetas de presentación digitales para el 2027.

The team.

Experience, enthusiasm and passion for technology

We are building more than a digital business card app; we are shaping a space where connections are meaningful, where technology becomes an extension of personal relationships, and where wonder emerges from the fusion of vision and execution.

Nerio J. Molina G.
Cardee Nerio Molina

Nerio J. Molina G.

CEO and Co-Founder

Rafael Pacheco P.
Cardee Rafael Pacheco

Rafael A. Pacheco P.

CTO and Co-Founder

Jorge Luis Vivas Sanchez
Cardee Jorge Vivas

Jorge L. Vivas S.

COO and Co-Founder

Download our One Pager.

To learn more details about Cardee, you can download the updated One Pager in PDF format.

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